
Mom's Going to Madagascar

I'm heading to Madagascar in God's timing



Ephesians 5:25

love 11

Ephesians 5:25

Joyful Noise


Missionaries from the US make a joyful noise with a new local church in East Africa.

Day Eight – Church

day eightToday I am thankful for my church, Wayside Chapel. I feel loved and welcomed here. Finding a church home was the first major step to finally feeling at home in San Antonio. We wentĀ from church to church for over a year after moving here. Some churches we visited made us feel welcomed but neglected to preachĀ the Word. Other churches taught truth but only in generalized ways that didn’t translate into real life for the rest of the week. There were some churches we went to that we weren’t greeted by a single person in Sunday School or in the service. There were a lot of disappointments in churches for a long time and when we came to Wayside, we were hesitant to get excited about a new church. We waited a few months to get involved, reading everything we could find about Wayside and listening to past sermons online. We couldn’t find a single thing we disagreed with. Finally we decided it was time to get involved and askedĀ God to show us if He wanted us to stay at Wayside. That morning at church, a couple introduced themselves and invited us out to lunch and to their Sunday school class. We’ve been there ever since and we still love it.

Day Seven – Eli

day sevenToday I am thankful for my son, Eli Augustus. Look at those chubby little cheeks! At the time of this post, he’s about three weeks old. He’s absolutely perfect.Ā He’s starting to try and push up a little bit. He’s got pretty good head control and sleeps really well.Ā I am amazed by this little kiddo all the time. He makes these incredible little faces that crack me up.

This picture was taken last week at church. It was his first Sunday at church and he did great. He snuggled most of the morning, one of his favorite activities.

East Africa Missions

FH020013Our first photo Friday is brought to you by my in-laws, Peter and Rosemary, who have traveled to East Africa many times as long-term missionaries. They are currently living thereĀ as full-time missionaries. I hope to share more of their pictures in the future!

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