
Mom's Going to Madagascar

I'm heading to Madagascar in God's timing



Rejoice in Hope


Romans 12:12-13

This is a truly wonderful passage. I encourage you to go read the full chapter.

Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; 11 not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;12 rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer,13 contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.

14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. 16 Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation. 17 Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.

The Shallow End of the Gene Pool

Jeff Pic

I attended parochial school K-8 and grownup in a Christian household.  I started serving at church as an acolyte in grade school.  After that I sang in choir, ushered, taught Sunday School, was Sunday School Superintendent, served as an elder, was elected congregation president, and have taught adult bible class.

I found myself in theatre and acting in high school.  Acting as a career appealed to me – at least my perception of an acting career.  I went through a BA and MFA and had two apprenticeships at Equity houses.  Along the way I’ve worked with Tom Hanks, Tom Sizemore, and Jody Catlin as well as character actors that show up in TV and movies but aren’t very famous.  After deciding that acting and being a good husband and father weren’t a good mix – for me at least, I switched to being a college instructor.  Since then, I’ve been a corporate trainer and worked in sales as a factory rep.

Still wanting a creative outlet, I’ve written two screenplay, one of which was read by Dolly Parton’s Sandollar Productions.  I self-published my first novel, The Substance Hoped For with Author House.  I have a second that I’m not sure I’ll publish.  I started a blog in 2014, and am enjoying meeting people this way.


7 And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me 8 Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. 9 And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
2 Corinthians 21:7-9

The shallow end. That is where I swim. Every male in my family tree on both sides going back at least three generations had a coronary episode of some kind by the time they got to their early 40’s. I had my first heart attack at 25 just after finishing graduate school. I was at a low weight and skipped rope like a fiend. My resting heart rate was the low 50’s. Then one night I had the worst case of heart burn EVER! Many years later we realized that it was a heart attack.

I was getting a catheterization done to see how the ole ticker was after getting some palpitations and dizzy spells. The cardiologist said he saw some really old heart damage, but everything else looked good, so “Hold on a sec there, hoss! Run that first part by me again!”

From there it was more exercise, more drugs, more trying to do everything right. My cardiologist once told me he admired my dedication, but reminded me I was just trying to outrun my genes. I told him I was only trying to push the finish line out a bit further. I opted against discussing his bedside manner. Fast-forward to 2003. I get my annual stress test Monday morning, then bingo from Toledo to Ft. Wayne. IN to run a week-long class for my corporation. Through a series of remarkable coincidences that spelled G-O-D, I found myself facing a double-bypass in Ft. Wayne before I dropped dead. There was no time to go home. It had to happen NOW!

I went from going like mad between work, travel, home, and being the liturgist at church every Sunday to nothing. Right at the beginning, all I had was the pain. The incision felt like a hot poker laying on my chest. I faded in and out in the ICU for 12+ hours. The following morning those sadistic B@$+@%&$ made me walk to my step down room. WALK! I had 3 chest tubes to drain the puss, a number of intravenous somethings, a portable monitor and leads and I hadn’t even found the urine catheter yet. I looked like a decrepit Borg being led to the junk yard. From there, I really had nothing much to do. And no energy to do it with. They said the only way to get my ticket punched to leave was walk as much as I could and inhale through the breathy thingy until I could draw the float high enough.

The poor nurse who had to explain to me the importance of walking must have had her head bitten off on a regular basis. She timidly encouraged me walk around the unit once, maybe twice a day, if I think I could handle it. Once or twice? Every day? I had been doing 2 hours of cardio every day plus weights until a couple days before surgery. I smiled at her. “Screw that! What’s the record?” Little did I know.

The young lady from rehab came to take me on my first walk. After loading all of my equipment, tubes, receptacles, etc. in a wheelchair for me to push, we set out. Beauty and the Borg. We finished one lap , and she asked how I was doing. “You’re kidding me, right? Let me know when YOU get tired.”  Off we went on lap two. We made it back to my room, and she faced me expectantly. I stared down into those deep, blue eyes, and “You know what, sweetheart? You’re looking a bit bushed. I think I’ll cut you loose.” She helped me into bed. I slept the rest of the day. That, sport fans, was the story of my life for months.

I went to church to hear my daughter play flute for the service. I was sitting in the pew before church started and started sliding over onto my side. Julie had to catch me before I was lying on the seat. Too weak. Same thing in the backyard. I sat down on the grass and just slowly was picking out the weeds I could reach and *plop* My main activity other than going to rehab was sitting in the Lay-Z-Boy and watching TV when I wasn’t sleeping. Breath in. Breathe out. Repeat as needed. That was all I did. Breathe and heal. I haven’t forgotten how bad it was for a while. Pain. Fear (after listening to a nurse in ICU arguing about my care with someone in my doorway). Weakness. More pain from the chest tubes. Remember I was doing weights. My lats were BIG, and they’d spasm in certain positions (I screamed like a little girl-sorry little girls).

But I also remember how liberating it was. I look back on that year with a certain fondness. The afterburners had been shut off, and I lived! I lived the cat purring on my lap. I lived the great sandwiches Julie made for me. I lived church, once I could sit up on my own. I lived Julie, Hillary, and Olivia; my wife and daughters. Mostly, I lived God. Every night I said a prayer of thanks for Julie, my daughters, and my health. Yes, I said thanks for my health. I still had some. I had that improbable series of events that got me to the hospital just in time. Just before going into surgery, Julie and I had prayed. We realized I would wake up after surgery; either to her or God. Neither would be a bad outcome. God gave us back to each other.

Since then, I’ve never quite gotten back to my pre-bypass fitness. I almost died twice in 2012 just six months apart. All three episodes were completely different maladies. All three had me skidding toward the grave. God gave Julie and me back to each other three times. How does a person keep going after that? The biggest thing is not worrying about me. I pray every day for God to use me however He wants. Whether I end up liking it or not. Keeping my focus out instead of crawling into my own naval is the biggest thing. I’ve met some pretty spectacular people that way; on business trips, blogging, whatever comes up. I try to keep giving, but I get so much more back that I keep running a surplus. Oh, I have bills, stuff to pay off, but this isn’t about cash. It’s about a feeling of fullness of heart. And soul. Life is still rough. I won’t lie to you. But it is easier when you’re looking out, not in, when you’re looking for God to use you well. And to think that I might never have discovered this unless I had been swimming. In the shallow end of the gene pool.

Prayer at Camp

12168103_10153733921833410_250640869_nCamp T-Bar M shares the gospel every Wednesday evening with the campers during the summer. Before the presentation, Rebecca Zwart gathered with other coaches to pray for God to open the students’ hearts.

“During the gospel presentations every Wednesday, God moved greatly,” Zwart said. “This was the one night if the week where most kids accepted Christ. We sat down with them one on one and really listened to their thoughts and helped them better understand the gospel.”

The Wednesday evening service also opened up doors for the hard conversations.

“Several girls shared their struggles with abuse, and that was always difficult to hear and help guide them through knowing how important they are in God’s eyes,” said Zwart. “It was crazy to me the real struggles some of the campers had been facing at such a young age.

Preparing Bravely

lacey higginsHello friends!😊 My name is Lacey Higgins. I am from Pontotoc, MS; however, I currently live in Clinton, MS where I go to school at Mississippi
College. I am a Sophomore Public Relations marketing major with a Christian Studies minor. I am in Kissimee Social Tribe. This
spring break I will be going with this tribe to Haiti on a missions
trip! If you want to know more, you can check out my blog.

If you would like to support Lacey’s upcoming trip, you can purchase a t-shirt. Email to place an order by Friday November 20th. For more info, click here.


I have to be honest.  When, Aly first asked me to write about my mission trip to Haiti, I was super pumped and super challenged at the same time.  I was super excited that she asked me to write about how it went when I got back (because I know it is going to be awesome because of John 14:12); however, she challenged me when she asked me to write about what I did to prepare to go to Haiti.  The truth is, I had not really done anything to prepare at the time she asked me to write this except the obvious.  haitiI had done a t-shirt fundraiser, wrote letters asking for financial help, and so on (P.S.  Never let money keep you from going on a mission trip.  God will provide.  A few fundraisers is all it takes.  People will give for you to do God’s work).  I had even researched the culture of Haiti (just incase you were wondering…don’t wear the famous college girl Nike shorts while you are in Haiti.  If you wear something that comes above your knee…they think you are a prostitute…and who is going to listen to a prostitute talk about Jesus)?  BUT…Spiritually…. What was I doing to prepare to go to Haiti?  Well….nothing until Aly asked me to write this (thank you Aly).  I thought about what it takes to get spiritually ready for a mission trip for almost a week straight after Aly messaged me.  Then, God spoke to me through His word in Exodus 17.


“Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed.”

Exodus 17:11 ESV


Joshua took some of his men to battle while Moses when to the top of the mountain and lifted His hands with the staff in them.  When Moses’ hands were raised, Joshua and his men were winning, but when Moses would lower his hands, they started to be defeated.  You see, going out on the mission field is only one step to winning hearts and souls for Christ. If you do not have someone lifting their hands toward heaven PRAYING, then you will be defeated.  Just look at the history of America, every revival started with PRAYER.  Therefore, to prepare for my trip, I spent many, MANY hours on my knees and face praying for every tiny encounter I will have in Haiti. BUT I DID NOT STOP THERE.  I needed someone to hold up the staff while I am on the battlefield, so I got my lovely mentor and her whole Sunday School class to commit to praying for me continuously while I am in Haiti.  I also have others who I know will do the same, like Aly and my family.  Their prayers will change the whole outcome of the battle.  I also continued to dig in God’s word because HOW AM I GOING TO TELL OTHERS ABOUT CHRIST AND HIS WORD IF I DO NOT EVEN KNOW IT.  And that is when I was reminded….


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.””

Matthew 28:19-20 ESV


The literal translation says, “As you are going.”  This means: Haiti is not my only mission field I need to train for.  My home, my school, my city, my state, my country…they are all my mission field.  I should be praying for Mississippi just as much as I have been praying for Haiti.  I should prepare to share Christ with people at work just as much as I do the kids at the orphanage in Haiti, so let’s make a deal:  You be the Joshua for your hometown and I will be your Moses and you be the Moses for my hometown and Haiti  while I be the Joshua.  If we all prayed and shared Christ at home like we did on mission trips, imagine how great this world would be.

Until next time,

Lacey Higgins



Thursday Stories

Today’s story is again from right here in San Antonio from a friend of mine named Anne. She faced nonacceptance from family and God still brought her through! I hope you are encouraged by her story!

thursday stories

Stories from San Antonio

My brave journey to salvation!
God taught me bravery! I was born and raised in the Catholic church, but strayed away from church in High School. I did not have God in my life and was not happy. Finally when I was 23, out of college and on my own in New Braunfels, I met my now husband and he took me to church. We began dating in December of 2010 and I soon knew I had found my soul mate. I fell in love with Jonathan’s church and his church family and soon fell in love with God. I was saved on August 16th 2011 and my live has never been the same. Soon after I got saved, Jonathan and I took our relationship to the next level and got engaged. I was so glad I had found “The One” and God in the same year.

I was so excited to tell my family and the few friends I had about my new life and my future, but I got little praise from my family. Everyone in my family is lost, and they did not approve of me being Baptist, and did not like Jonathan because he was different. Neither of us fit into my family and their lifestyles. I struggled for months and months with my decision to become a member of the church and marry Jonathan, but I knew I was making the right decision. I prayed and prayed to God for bravery to face my family, and prayed for their acceptance. God soon showed me that my families acceptance should not matter, because He was all I needed and He accepted me.

We got married at our church and although my family did not like my decision or my religion, the attended the wedding and gave us their blessings. God’s love got me through the negativity from my family and He began to mold me and shaped me into who I am today. God gave me eternal life, my husband, and two beautiful baby boys and that’s all I need. God has also helped me to begin witnessing to my family and now they accept me and my decision to follow Jesus, and my mother gave her life to God!

Godliness – Applying Qualities

Hello friends! Welcome back to Weekly Challenge! We’re talking about Applying Qualities right now and today’s topic is godliness. Last week we talked about perseverance. Your challenge was to attempt a new skill and practice at it until you could see a step towards mastery. Tell me how you did with last week’s challenge in the comments below and as always, feel free to print the cards for your personal use. Remember to post this week’s verse in a location you’ll see daily!


N. devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to Him

1 Timothy 4:8 For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it hold promise for the present life and also for the life to com.

Pray for God to reveal areas of your life that are not a reflection of Him.
Continue to memorize 2 Peter 1:5-8

What new skill did you try? Tell me about your adventure in the comments below!

Feel free to print for personal use

weekly challenge 15-18

Thursday Stories

Today’s brave story comes all the way from Brazil written by MOPs leader Klibelle Dudusch Simões. Morgan Perez translated for us to be able to read it today! I love her brave story about trusting God for provision! I hope you enjoy reading it!


Stories from Brazil

For days I’ve been thinking I’d write about how wonderful it is to live and to feel God’s care, but I didn’t even know where to begin; how to use the “right words”. Today I decided that it doesn’t matter…I’ll write it out and whoever wants to read it can.

Five years ago, when our daughter Bia was born, we decided that we wouldn’t have any more children. Yes, from the moment she was born…

We took everything into consideration: the work that goes into caring for a child, the expenses, the lack of money, the time commitment, this fallen world, the government, and our age (we’re not as young as we once were). Basically, all the stuff we parents know and worry about.

A few months ago, Bia started asking for a sibling, rather insistently. Some people told us to get her a dog; that this phase would pass. We prayed about it, but only the “scripted” way, and always putting our human concerns in the forefront, like the difficulty of becoming pregnant quickly (because I’m certain the necessary medicines, age, and even weight all play a huge role in that). That’s when I gave God an ultimatum (which is absolutely ridiculous) for a pregnancy timeline. I gave Him one month. (You read that right: one month.)

If it didn’t happen in that one month, it would be a confirmation that another little baby was not part of “God’s will” for us. Exactly one month later I got sick after drinking a glass of water: it was our new little baby. As soon as the pregnancy was confirmed, I began worrying about all the expenses we certainly couldn’t handle.

And that’s what I wanted to talk about: the care and love God has for us even when we’re disbelieving. God’s faithfulness, even when we’re unfaithful. God’s love that humbles me moment to moment. During one of my countless worrying sessions, my husband said, “We have to remember that we are not orphans in Christ, and He is the one who takes care of us.”

Amen! (And, as an orphan of earthly parents, this gave me tremendous peace, especially considering the context of the conversation.) We’ve been blessed in surprising ways: family, brother and sisters in Christ, friends….

But this message isn’t about telling people it’s wrong to have only one child, or that you should have two or more. Not in any way. It is up to every couple to make that decision for themselves. I’m trying to say that children are an inheritance from God. I’m not trying to tell you that you should reach beyond your means, but that God is the one who cares for us, that loves us, that always provides. This message is a public demonstration of God’s faithfulness, and about how wonderful it is to serve Him.

In all the hard times, He has sustained me. I know tough times will come, but I want to have my eyes turned to the Lord, because I know where my Help comes from.

“My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip-He who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121:2-4

Operation World

Today is the second installment of Missionary Monday. I intended to tell you about Esther this week. However, I am finding it difficult to write her story in one post so it looks like it will take at least two weeks and I need more time to write it. Sorry about that! I thought I would take the chance to promote Operation World instead. I am not being paid by Operation World or anything of that sort, I just think it’s a really neat way to get the family praying for others around the world.

What is it? 

Operation World is a book that complies information for hundreds of countries. First it gives basic information about the population of the country but then it moves into a more in depth look at what the specific needs of each country is. Where is the church struggling? What false teachings are being preached? What praises can we celebrate? How is the government hindering or helping the spread of the Gospel? What resources are missionaries lacking?

How can I use it? 

My first introduction to Operation World was at a private school where I taught. Each morning during assembly, we prayed for the day, said our pledges of allegiance, sang a couple of worship songs, and prayed for a different country. It was a great way to introduce the kids (preK-12) to different countries. It gave them a small glimpse into the trials Christians around the world face and hopefully softened their hearts to praying for and possibly one day ministering to them.

You can use it in a similar way in your home. Sitting around the breakfast or dinner table, briefly discuss and pray for the country of the day. Maybe you have a dedicated time of day that is for reading Scripture and praying together. You can add this to that time. If you are a teacher in a school that will allow it, you could add it to geography class. There are countless ways to involve your family in praying for the nations.

Why are you telling me this? 

Today is Missions Monday. Sometimes, we assume that missions means passports and training and fundraising and going. And sometimes, it does mean that. But sometimes, missions means being a light right where you are and prayer is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. You can still make a difference on a global scale from the comfort of your own home. Please do. Be a missionary by praying.

By the way, today’s country is Afghanistan. 99.85% Muslim, .05% Christian. Pray for “Continued threat of violence,… Health risks,… The disabled,… Poverty and living standards,… and Drug” use. Check out the website or order the book on Amazon for more information.  

I look forward to sharing about Esther with you next Monday!

Ends of the earth, here I come!

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