
Mom's Going to Madagascar

I'm heading to Madagascar in God's timing


Galatians 5

Self Control – Fruit of the Spirit

Hello friends! Welcome back to Weekly Challenge! We’re talking about Fruits of the Spirit right now and today’s topic is self control. Do you reach into the cookie jar when it’s left on the counter with the lid off or are you able to wait until after dinner? I’ll tell you, this is one I struggle with. If I have cash in my wallet, it seems to disappear by the end of the day and I can’t really account for where it went. This week’s challenge will be rather difficult!

Last week we talked about gentleness. Your challenge was to tend to a plant or animal that you normally don’t tend to. That could have been buying a delicate flower plant and keeping it alive for a while or it could have meant dog sitting your neighbors doberman. Tell me how you did with last week’s challenge in the comments below and as always, feel free to print the cards for your personal use. Remember to post this week’s verse in a location you’ll see daily!

Self Control

N. the ability to restrain emotions or desires or the expression of them

Proverbs 16:32 Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

Browse the chocolate/toy/clothes/other temptations aisle at the store and purchase nothing.
Continue to memorize Galatians 5:22-23

Feel free to print for personal use

weekly challenge 9-10

Gentleness – Fruit of the Spirit

Hello friends! Welcome back to Weekly Challenge! We’re talking about Fruits of the Spirit right now and today’s topic is gentleness. If you look on wikiHow, some of the suggestions for how to be gentle include acting fragile and giggling. I think gentleness is about more than being lighthearted, though. It means tender care and quiet strength. That’s why this week’s challenge is to care for a plant or an animal. If you’re an animal lover, choose the plant. If you have a green thumb, choose the animal. If you’re good at both, go to an elderly home and volunteer. Just do something that puts you in a position to be gentle with another living thing.

Last week we talked about faithfulness. Your challenge was to write a list of ways the Lord has been faithful in your life. Tell me how you did with last week’s challenge in the comments below. Share your list, if you’d like. As always, feel free to print the cards for your personal use. Remember to post this week’s verse in a location you’ll see daily!


N. the quality of being amiable and moderate

Titus 3:2 To speak evil of no on, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people

Tend to a plant or animal that your normally don’t tend to.
Continue to memorize Galatians 5:22-23

Feel free to print for personal use

weekly challenge 9-10

Faithfulness – Fruit of the Spirit

Hello friends! Welcome back to Weekly Challenge! We’re talking about Fruits of the Spirit right now and today’s topic is faithfulness. We’re going to look at faithfulness several times this year so for this first one, I want to focus on ways that God is faithful. If we can understand what it means for God to be faithful, we can then try to imitate that in our own lives.

Last week we talked about goodness. Your challenge was to do something good for someone without their knowledge. A pay it forward type of thing. Tell me how you did with last week’s challenge in the comments below and as always, feel free to print the cards for your personal use. Remember to post this week’s verse in a location you’ll see daily!


N. the quality of showing true and constant support or loyalty

1 Samuel 12:24
Only fear the Lord and server him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.

Write a list of how the Lord has been faithful in your life.
Continue to memorize Galatians 5:22-23

Feel free to print for personal use

weekly challenge 5-6

Goodness – Fruit of the Spirit

Hello friends! Welcome back to Weekly Challenge! We’re talking about Fruits of the Spirit right now and today’s topic is goodness. The actual act of being good. It’s a tall order. Even when we do good things, there are often not good motives behind them. You might do something good so that others will see you and think you are good. You might do something good out of guilt or fear. You might do something good simply because it’s a habit instead of desiring to do good. Have fun with this week’s challenge and try to examine your motives while you do it!

Last week we talked about kindness. Your challenge was to show unusual kindness in an unusual place or manner. Tell me how you did with last week’s challenge in the comments below and as always, feel free to print the cards for your personal use. Remember to post this week’s verse in a location you’ll see daily!


N. the quality of being morally excellent

Galatians 6:10 So then, as we have every opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Do something good for someone without them knowing.
Continue to memorize Galatians 5:22-23

Feel free to print for personal use

weekly challenge 5-6

Kindness – Fruit of the Spirit

Hello friends! Welcome back to Weekly Challenge! We’re talking about Fruits of the Spirit right now and today’s topic is kindness. I love the verse for this week. Paul and some other prisoners were aboard a ship headed for Italy. After a “wind of hurricane force” (Acts 27:14) and the storm lasted for days. They were without food and hope but Paul tells the men that “God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.” (Acts 27:24). After 14 nights, they finally found land and swam or floated to the shore of the island called Malta. There, the islanders showed unusual kindness. After a long storm, loss of hope, and a shipwreck, the men finally are shown kindness on a foreign island. Unusual indeed! I would except the natives to be concerned about the 276 people that just arrived on their land and instead they showed kindness. I love it.

Anyways, last week we talked about patience. Your challenge was to choose the longest line at the supermarket and wait patiently. Were you able to stand in line without the distraction of your phone? Did you find the time to make conversation with the people in front of or behind you? Tell me how you did with last week’s challenge in the comments below and as always, feel free to print the cards for your personal use. Remember to post this week’s verse in a location you’ll see daily!


N. the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate

Acts 28:2 The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They build a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold.

Show unusual kindness in an unusual place.
Continue to memorize Galatians 5:22-23

Feel free to print for personal use

weekly challenge 5-6

Patience – Fruit of the Spirit

Hello friends! Welcome back to Weekly Challenge! We’re talking about Fruits of the Spirit right now and today’s topic is patience. This is a character trait that I used to struggle with a great deal but I think I’ve gotten better over the last couple of years. My daughter has helped a lot with that. I have to be patient with her because she is learning something new all the time and I want her to have the time to learn and enjoy learning. Being married also grew my patience a great deal more than I thought it would. I thought I was patient before we got married. Come to find out, I wasn’t patient at all.

Last week, we talked about peace. Your challenge was to organize a part of your life that is unorganized because God is a God of peace not of disorder. Peace and disorder are at odds with each other. Tell me how you did with last week’s challenge in the comments below. Did you reorganized a drawer? Start a family calendar? Begin a meal planning system? Clear our your Rolodex… er, I mean, Facebook friends list…? As always, feel free to print the cards for your personal use. Remember to post this week’s verse in a location you’ll see daily!


N. the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset

Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Choose the longest line at the supermarket and do not distract yourself with your phone or other device while you wait.
Continue to memorize Galatians 5:22-23

Feel free to print for personal use

weekly challenge 5-6

Peace – Fruit of the Spirit

Hello friends! Welcome back to Weekly Challenge! We’re talking about Fruits of the Spirit right now and today’s topic is peace. Our verse says that God is not a God of disorder but of peace. That tells me that disorder and peace are at odds with each other. Therefore order and peace go hand in hand. This is an excellent time to look at order because about right now, you’re forgetting or giving up your New Years Resolution. Order will help you achieve those goals. Being more organized may even be one of your goals! Take a small step this week. Keep going!

Last week we talked about joy. Your challenge was to set the verse to a tune and sing it to yourself four times. Bonus points if you sung it someone else! Tell me how you did with last week’s challenge in the comments below. Did it help you stay joyful? As always, feel free to print the cards for your personal use. Remember to post this week’s verse in a location you’ll see daily!


N. freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility

1 Corinthians 14:33a For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.

Organize a part of your life that is unorganized.
Continue to memorize Galatians 5:22-23

Feel free to print for personal use

weekly challenge 1-4

Joy – Fruit of the Spirit

Hello friends! Welcome back to Weekly Challenge! We’re talking about Fruits of the Spirit right now and today’s topic is joy. I can’t help but sing “I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain, I’ve got joy like a fountain in my sooOOooul in my soooooooooul” It’s a shame you can’t hear me singing through the text. I’m really fantastic. Truly. Joy is one of my favorite things to talk about because I remember when I finally realized the difference between joy and happiness. Joy flows from within and can only come from Jesus. It doesn’t ebb and flow with the changing seasons of life. It is steady. Like a fountain. Happiness on the other hand impacts you from the outside, like wind. It can blow so hard you’re knocked over flat on the ground giggling and the next moment be so still you’re not sure it ever existed. Happiness is fun and good but it is external. Joy comes from knowing Jesus. The challenge this week isn’t really challenging to me because I sing about everything all the time anyway but it’s a good reminder to do it intentionally.

Last week we talked about love. Your challenge was to show love to someone in your neighborhood. Tell me how you did with last week’s challenge in the comments below. As always, feel free to print the cards for your personal use. Remember to post this week’s verse in a location you’ll see daily!


N. a feeling of great pleasure and happiness

Psalm 47:1 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.

Set this week’s verse to a tune and sing it 4 times this week.
Continue to memorize Galatians 5:22-23

Feel free to print for personal use

weekly challenge 1-4

Love – Fruit of the Spirit

Hello friends! Welcome back to Weekly Challenge! We’re talking about Fruits of the Spirit right now and today’s topic is love. There is so much in Scripture about love it was hard to choose a verse. Romans 13 says it beautifully. Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. The basic purpose of the law is to protect us from us. If we all just love one another, though, what use is the law? We don’t need protecting at that point. I realize this sounds very Utopian but so does Scriptural descriptions of heaven so I think we’re good. Here on earth, we need the law but the day is coming! Some glad morning!

Last week we introduced the weekly challenge. You were challenged last week to memorize Galatians 5:22-23. Keep that verse up in a place where you can see it daily. Right underneath, or somewhere nearby, post this week’s verse as well. Next week, do the same thing. What do you think about Weekly Challenge so far? Tell me in the comments below! Feel free to print the cards for your personal use.


N. an intense feeling of deep affection

Romans 13:10 Love does not harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Show love to someone in your neighborhood this week.
Continue to memorize Galatians 5:22-23

Feel free to print for personal use

weekly challenge 1-4

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